Thursday, April 05, 2007

Being cruel to be kind

A doctor knows this well. Vets know it better. Bosses and parents know it best.

It isn't easy being cruel in order to be kind, to mete out a bitter medicine today in order to enable a better mind or body or value system tomorrow.'s got to be done. As I look back on my own life, the people who made me what I am often did the most unpleasant things to me, things I appreciated and got a chance to thank them for only much later. Some of them died before I could show them how much healthier their medicine made me, but they know - every day they show me that they know. Sometimes, they still send down a bitter pill or two. Which I swallow most gratefully.

Rashmi, this post is for you. Read it again in 20 year's time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I'm a little dumbfounded
as I read and re-read this post. I quite prefer constructive criticism and bitter pills over an ingenuine pat on the back or some lilting small talk. (And I admire any person who cares enough to mete these out)
I can somehow picture you shaking your head reading my comment thinking (and/or chuckling to yourself), "Ah the girl has missed the point of this post from all directions!" :)
Anyhow, I will keep in touch and hopefully be the recepient of these 'bitter pills', from you every now and then!