Friday, November 23, 2007

Old Turkey Buzzard

Eyes of all kinds fascinate me. I tend to judge a person by his/her eyes and I connect with animals most through their eyes. Birds' eyes specially are riveting, disproportionately large and heavy lidded when blinking. The opening shots in Mackenna's Gold featuring Old Turkey Buzzard's eyes, do you remember them? If not, here is a reminder.

I was a very little girl when my brother took me to see the movie and for weeks after that we sang about gold and gold, men will do anything for gold. As I grew older, the bird itself and what he stood for became more understandable. He inspired the opening frames of our first GSPCA film, posted here. Today, I am humming these lines and find the truth in them uncanny.

Old Buzzard knows that he can wait
For every mother's son has got a date
A date with fate, with fate.......

Note in my diary - 2008, got to visit the Grand Canyon.


meraj said...

once again, my father showed me 'Mackenna's Gold' long long ago and ever since i've been a fan of westerners...from sergio leonne/clint eastwood flicks to the latest '3:10 to Yuma'. remember this opening shots clearly.

and you must listen to Mile Davis's 'The Buzzard Song' (Porgy and Bess) which was later sung beautifully by Ella Fitzgerald.

meraj said...

hope you are doing fine in this year's harsh winters of if you are still there.